Plans in the Event of an Emergency School Closure – Coronavirus

Plans in the Event of an Emergency School Closure – Coronavirus


Dear Parents and Carers


As you will be aware, the recent coronavirus outbreak is continuing to grow in terms of both the numbers and location of confirmed cases. This is having an increased impact both locally and nationally with many events and activities being cancelled.


The most recent advice (as of 17th March) from the UK Government is that schools should remain open unless directed to close for specific reasons by Public Health England (PHE). Our school will continue to follow this advice and remain open but we will communicate any changes to you at the earliest opportunity.


If the school was forced to close, our priority would be to continue to provide learning opportunities for our students, particularly those preparing for GCSE examinations this summer. To support this, our staff have been trained to provide live lessons according to the timetable and will be uploading materials on to Microsoft Teams, a collaborative learning platform to ensure that students can access up-to-date resources for their class or year group in all of our subject areas. This includes specific revision materials for GCSE groups. Detailed instructions of how to access these in the event of a closure can be found here.


I thank you for your ongoing support during these challenging times. If you have any questions relating to any of the topics outlined above, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully,


M A Kadir Al Hasan

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