COVID-19 January 2021 Update

COVID-19 January 2021 Update

Dear parent,

I hope you and your family are well. In accordance with the Government guidelines, due to the spread of the COVID-19, The British Muslim School has decided to provide its lessons remotely.

However, the year 11 students may return to school for face to face learning from Monday 18th January. We will inform you closer to the time about this.

InshaAllah the online lessons will start from Tuesday 5th January 2021 and will be delivered by the teachers, usually according to the student timetable.

Hifz class will start from 8:30am till 11 am Monday to Thursday and 5pm – 7:30pm everyday (including weekends) except Friday.

The school curriculum lessons will start from 8:45 till 3:30pm.

All students are expected to log in to their lessons on Microsoft teams according to the timetable. Students registers shall be taken for every lesson.

If your son is having difficulties logging in, please assist him and ensure your son is on time.

Please may I emphasise your son is expected to behave on the online meetings and chats by ensuring that he does not make unnecessary comments and does not distract the lessons.

The behaviour is monitored for every lesson, and any student that does not cooperate will be sanctioned.

Safeguarding and well-being is at the core of everything we do, and staff are available for pupils if they have any worries and safeguarding issues.

Mentoring will also take place as per school timetable.

If you have any concerns or require any help, please contact the school.

May Allah SWT keep everyone safe, make it easy for us, give us patience and help us and our families to get closer to Him.

Please remember all of us and the rest of the people in the entire globe in your duas.

M A Kadir Al Hasan
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