22 Mar Ramadhan & Spring Break
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I hope that this letter reaches you in good health. Please find the following information regarding Spring and Ramadhan Break. We endeavor to provide our students with as much support as possible, and as such we have decided on the following:
School holiday dates:
• On Friday 2nd April 2021- School closed for Bank Holiday
• On the Thursday 29th April 2021 school will finish at 2pm (half day)
• School closed for Ramadhan & Spring break from Friday 30th April 2021 to Monday 17th May 2021. InshaAllah, School will resume on Tuesday 18th May 2021 as normal.
For the boarding students; you are reminded to collect your child on Thursday 29th April 2021 at 2pm – 3pm sharp and return him on Monday 17th May 2021at 3pm – 5pm sharp. Please be mindful of the time as any deviation from this will cause us great difficulties.
We request you to assist your child at home to do their homework, to do their revision for GCSEs and to perform 5 times Salah regularly.
We appreciate your kind cooperation.
(Moulana) M A Kadir Al Hasan
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