
Assessment is an integral part of learning and teaching and is a daily, on-going process in every classroom engaging teachers and pupils. 

Pupils are assessed both formally and informally throughout the year.  A variety of assessment methods are used to record performance, attainment and achievement, and to plan next steps in learning. Assessment records are kept by teachers and form the basis of discussion at parents’ meetings throughout the year.

The British Muslim School is fully committed to the principles of Assessment for Learning. This is where classroom assessments are used to improve learning and to determine student abilities. It includes elements such as target setting, constructive feedback, self-assessment and peer-assessment. All work is assessed regularly and feedback is given on the next steps for improvement. There will be an end of term examination in each term.

Assessments are also in place to aid the monitoring of student progress. These systems allow us to identify areas of concern, be they for individual students or as a trend amongst a number of students. Annual reports, along with parents’ consultation meetings provide opportunities for teachers to discuss with parents the findings of the monitoring procedures and work out strategies for future improvement.