The British Muslim School’s boarding facilities is a new phenomenon. It will provide the state of the art facilities in boarding. The boarding arrangements and the facilities are managed by a team of well qualified professionals who have the appropriate qualifications.
Sanctions include reciting Quran for half an hour to one hour, isolation, doing some extra works, exclusion from extracurricular activities (such as; going out, sports, swimming etc.) and temporary exclusion from boarding.
Please note: If any unauthorised items are found in boarder’s possession (such as; mobile phones, money more than £5.00 etc) shall be confiscated and must not be returned to the students or parents at all.
Parents must pay for any damages caused by their child to the school property.
There are significant privacy and security challenges associated with the use of mobile phones, particularly those which have image, video and sound recording capabilities. Students using a camera phone to record and/or share material that could be considered intrusive and a form of harassment will face serious consequences including expulsion from the school. Similarly, any inappropriate use of a mobile phone could lead to suspension or even expulsion.
The school recommends parents not to send their child with a mobile phone. However, if a parent wishes his child to have a mobile phone for contact purposes only then the following rules must be adhered to:
If a student fails to hand in his mobile phone after arrival to the school from short leave/vacation then his phone will be confiscated and will not be returned to him until the end of the academic year. If for any reason a student forgets to give in his mobile phone after taking it out for use, then this will result in the student not being able to use the mobile phone for a week. If this continues then the student’s mobile phone will be confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of the academic year.
Parents, family and friends can visit during the allocated times only. However, the school must be notified prior to the visit.
Wednesday: 04.00 pm – 05.00 pm
Weekends: 07.30 pm – 08.30 pm
The school has its own students’ bank which is run and operated by a member of staff. Students can keep their money in the school bank. A written record is kept of all transactions and students will be required to sign when they draw money from their account as well as when they pay money into their account.
A lot of money, time, energy and effort have been spent on repairing and renovating the school. We are trying our best to keep the school a clean and pleasant environment for your child to reside and study in. We require your help as parents to teach your child how to stay clean and carry out small tasks such as supervising them whilst vacuuming their room, cleaning up after meal times and making their beds etc.
If your child defaces the walls of his room, or damages the carpet, or breaks any furniture etc. then he will be liable for the cost of replacing these things. Please encourage your child to look after and take care of his property as well as the property of the school in a reasonable, respectful and appropriate manner.
Parents can make telephone calls to speak to their child only if necessary on Saturdays between 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm and Sundays between 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. For any other queries, please call the reception (8.30 am 4.30 pm)
In case of an emergency, parents can contact the Boarding Manager.
Any student, who has breached any of the regulations, shall normally be warned by the staff and where necessary, possible disciplinary action may follow.
Strict action will be taken on:
Internal Suspension: The boarder attends all lessons but in their free time must undertake community service and miss any extra-curriculum activities such as sport. This may last for a week and is used for a serious breach of school rules or persistent bad behaviour.
Suspension: The boarder may be asked to leave the school for a short period. This is not a holiday, and may disrupt the boarder’s academic work; it would be used for a very serious breach of school rules such as bullying.
Expulsion: In extreme cases, a boarder may be asked to leave the school altogether. There is no refund of school fees.
The decision of the school is final in all matters.