Parental Engagement

We believe that for your child to maximise their potential and achieve a rich experience of their time at The British Muslim School, it involves effective three-way communication between the school, your child and you as parents/carers.

We have various methods of being able to contact you and provide data relating to the school/your child including; email, text messaging, phone calls, post, as well as face to face meetings.

For us to be able to communicate effectively we must have accurate and complete contact information. At least once per school year we will send out a data checking sheet that contains your child’s personal data as well as a list of all contacts that are linked to your child. We ask that you check this and amend any incorrect/outdated information as well as complete any blank areas where you can.

We realise that this information can change at any time during the school year though and we ask that if you move house, change your mobile/home phone number or your email address that you update us with the latest contact data as soon as possible so that we can continue to be able to contact you when we need to.

Accurate contact information is also important so that we can contact you in an emergency, for example due to illness/injury at school.

If you need to change the contact details of any existing contacts during the school year, please complete this form which will be sent to our reception for updating. Please note that all change requests made using this form will be verified by the Admin Team before changes are made.